life and times of our family

Our family doubled in size in 2005. We are the very proud parents of Madeleine and Claire. They have changed the rhythm of our life in ways we never could have imagined. Change is hard and life-giving and wonderful. God is faithful.

Friday, December 26, 2008

'Twas the week before Christmas

Family snowmobiling- around the block! Our friend, Dave, drove over from his house (about 2 miles away), so Gene took us for a spin. The neighbors loved it!

Our 2nd annual Nutcracker show. It's only one hour, which is perfect for 3 year olds and dad!

Monday, September 22, 2008

hugs gone bad

more pics just for fun

The Curtis family (Catherine's older sister) at Smith Rock in Oregon. Scott, Leslie, Spencer, Mitchell and Paige. We all decided to hike... in 2 in the afternoon...with small 95 degree weather! Next time we'll try it first thing in the morning. Sweet Madeleine. She picks the most interesting times to suck her thumb; like just before going down the slide.
One of the few shots we have of both girls this summer. Yes, imagine herding cats. Keeps a parent real busy!
Gene resting at the playground. A short-lived, peaceful moment.
Madeleine in the big pool!

House remodel update

2008 will go down in the history of our family as one crazy year. On January 21st, a 32 foot travel trailer arrived in our driveway. Huge thanks to my sister Libby and brother-in-law Marc who loaned it to us a lot longer than any of us planned. In late March, the kitchen came out and our life in the trailer began. We survived that time by taking breaks from the trailer at several friend's houses, which was critical to saving our marriage! The trailer was finally pulled away in late August, complete with firecrackers and amens.

The remodel part 2 will start up again soon, but for now we are enjoying a completely refinished upstairs! Here are a few highlights.

New exterior. Not quite finished, but definitely helping people catch that modern vision we've been going for. Hang in there. It will all make sense one day.
The girls were sad about the trailer leaving until we reminded them that they'll have a lot more room to ride their bikes.
This was taken within the first few days of being back in the house. It may be hard to note all of the differences, but the most significant difference is the elimination of the big red wall. Light and bright.
Firecrackers, scared kids and one big trailer pulling away. Oh, and very happy parents!

summer fun in Redmond, OR

Claire and Catherine after a trip down the big slide
Cousin Paige and Madeleine, poolside.
Claire at Smith Rock
Claire and Uncle Kyle on the big slide

first ballet class

I was a gushing parent on the first day of ballet class. Snapping pictures, with a big, proud smile on my face. I was so impressed by the teacher's ability to get all 11 little 3 year olds moving in the same direction. The girls are super excited for the next class and like to try on their ballet shoes at least twice a day!

Sunday, July 29, 2007

More of the first half of 2007

Our house is undergoing a SIGNIFICANT
remodel. It started as a "cosmetic fixer." We were kind of naiive. But, we just keep reminding's going to be amazing when it's finished!!

Why such an unattractive picture of myself? This is my attempt to pucker-up and kiss Gene after some serious dental work! One half of my face was completely numb. Lovely.

Gene-o snuggling in the kitchen with the girls. Good morning, girls!

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Where did 6 months go?

We have been remodeling, visiting with grandparents and learning to drive! It's been an exciting 6 months since our last post.

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Sunday, January 28, 2007

Christmas with sweet children

This year we spent Christmas with Catherine's family in Oregon and then the New Year with Gene's family in B.C. Travelling with little ones is stressful at times, but the girls managed quite well. One of our favorite times was at Grandma Dorothy and Grandpa Mel's house. There were so many people in a small space that the girls couldn't get in much trouble without someone noticing and redirecting them. It was, frankly, about the only time during the holidays when Gene and I could have a conversation with someone and not worry about what the girls were getting in to!

Christmas breakfast, nummy.

The first snow

The girls had a treat just before Thanksgiving...SNOW! Claire stood in one place the whole time. She was not so sure about the stuff. Madeleine went for it. Well, mostly she wanted to eat it! We don't get a lot of snow in this area, so it was especially fun to have it so early in the year.

Monday, November 13, 2006

fall in Wenatchee

We had a really nice time visiting with some newer friends in Wenatchee this fall. We have a special connection with these families, as we have all adopted children through Antioch Adoptions. We hope to make this a tradition. The girls really loved trying out their walking and running skills in the wide open spaces. Our little city dwellers don't have much opportunity to walk with abandon.

the girls visit the Oregon Coast

cutie Mitchell and all smiles Paige

Catherine's (mom's side) family gathered for a long weekend in August on the Oregon Coast- Gearhart to be specific. We have found a lovely rental cottage that pretty near fits the whole family. The problem is that the whole family keeps growing. We are currently- 1 grandma, 5 siblings, 5 spouses/significant others, 9 grandkids and 2 more on the way. Oh, and those 9 grandkids are age 6 and under. Needless to say, this is not what you would call a retreat, but I think it's a blast! Gene loves the family too, but he's glad when we come home.


Madeleine and Claire turn one

Madeleine and Claire were in fine form for their first birthday. Little bathing beauties! We had about 20 friends and family over in the backyard for a great celebration. My big project for the summer was to make a "pretty" place for our party. With a huge amount of help from Gene's mom, we put in a patio and planted some plants. It's still a work in progress, but it made for a nice place to have a pool party.
